Tuesday, June 25, 2013

exemption u/s 8(1) cant be applied if information is 20 yrs old

                                      CENTRAL INFORMATION COMMISSION
                                 BLOCK IV, OLD JNU CAMPUS, NEW DELHI 110067
                                                                                              Appeal No.37/ICPB/2006
                                                                                              June 26, 2006

  In the matter of Right to Information Act, 2005 – Section 19.

 Appellant:           Shri S.R. Pershad,
                                        Dy. Director of Supplies, DGS&D.

Public Authority:         Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
                                Ms. Asha Makhijani, CPIO  &        
                                        Shri Subodha Nath Jha, DG – AA.

By  an  appln dt21.2.2006  to  PIO,  appellant,  an  officer  of  Indian Supply Service, presently on suspension, sought for copies of notifications  issued  by  POI  in  terms of Allocation of Business Rules  regard decentralization of purchase  & disposal  functions  of  DGS&D  authorizing  various Mins/Depts. to make their own arrangements for purchase of their  requirements  in yrs 1974, 1984, 1985, 1991 & 1999. By communication dt 7.3.2006,  CPIO  informed  appellant  that  info sought for  in respect of yrs 1974, 1984 & 1985 being related to a period beyond 20 years need not  be furnished in terms of S. 8(3) of RTI Act.  Further, since all 5 items sought  for  were  policy  matters,  they  were  not  dealt  with  in admin. of Dir. of DGS&D.   Aggrieved with  this decision,  appellant  filed an appeal before  AA on  3.4.2006. In  his  decision  dated  24.4.2006,  AA has pointed out that since Allocation of Business is notified by  President  through  Cabinet  Secretariat,  CPIO  should  have  fwd appln of  appellant  to  Cabinet Secretariat  in terms of S. 6(3) of RTI Act.   He has also further stated in his decision that since these notifications are published in Gazette of India, appellant could get copies of same from market/ libraries & these are not privy to DGS&D.

2.  Stand of  DGS&D  that  info sought for  is available only  in Cabinet Secretariat is wrong.  Without initiative/involvement of DGS&D & its admin. min., on  its  own  Cabinet  Secretariat  doesn’t initiate  any proposal  for  reallocation of  business  relating to DGS&D.   Therefore,  copies  of  notifications  should  be  available  with  DGS&D  & as  such, CPIO  should  be directed to furnish same

3. Comments were called for from CPIO. In  a  most  cryptic  & short comments that this Commns has ever received, CPIO has intimated that in her letter  to   appellant  on  7.3.2006,  she  only  conveyed  info that she  had received from Admin of Dir Gen. of Supplies & Disposals & if  concerned Dir is able to provide any such  document to  her, same could be provided to appellant as per direction of AA

4.  In terms of RTI Act, it is responsibility of designated CPIO to furnish info sought for by a citizen, if said information is in custody of PA.  It is quite  possible  that  info sought  for  may  not  be available  with  CPIO  himself/  herself,  but  if  it  is  available  within   PA,  it  is  responsibility  of  CPIO  to  collect/gather  said  info from concerned person/section of PA & furnish same to  info seeker. In  present case, neither  CPIO nor AA has  categorically  stated  whether  copies  of  notifications  are available  within DGS&D or not.  If they are not available, a simple communication to appellant to that effect could have sufficed. Observation of  AA appellant could get copies of notifications from libraries/shops is uncalled for as in terms of RTIA, a citizen is entitled to get info from PA which is in its possession/ custody even if same is in public domain.

5. Further, PA has erred in interpreting S 8(3) of Act to state that since some of info related to period  prior to 20 yrs, same need  not  be  furnished.  S. 8(3) is part of S. 8, which deals with ‘exemption from  disclosure  of  info”. S. 8(1) specifies classes of info which are exempt from disclosure. What S. 8(3) stipulates  is that, exemption u/s 8(1) cant be applied if info sought related to a period prior to 20 yrs except those covered in S. clauses (a), (c) & (i) of sub-s.8(1). In other words, even if info sought is exempt in terms of other subclauses of sub-s.(1) of S. 8, & if same relates to period 20 yrs prior to dt. of appln., then same shall be provided.  In present case, since part of info sought, even though related to period prior to 20 yrs, relate to notifications, DGS&D is bound to furnish same, if same is available with  it. It is also stated by CPIO that info sought  relates to policy matters  not dealt with  in admin. of Dir.  What appellant seeks is only copies of notification &, therefor, question of same being related to policy matter doesn’t arise.

6.  I dispose of this appeal with the direction to CPIO to furnish copies of notifications  as  sought  for  by  appellant,  if  available within DGS&D, within  15 days of receipt of  this decision.   If not available, an affidavit to that effect should be filed before Commn & appellant should be informed accordingly within said period.

7.  Let a copy of this decision also be sent to appellant and CPIO.

(Padma Balasubramanian)
Information Commissioner

Authenticated true copy :

 ( Prem K. Gera )

Address of parties :
1.  Ms. Asha Makhijani, Central Public Information Officer, Directorate General
of Supplies & Disposal, Jeevan Tara Building, 5 Sansad Marg, New Delhi.

2.  Shri  S. R.  Pershad, GP-18, CPWD Officers Transit Hostel & Guest House,
Aliganj Colony, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.

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